Katya Grokhovsky works in installation, performance, sculpture, video, painting and drawing, exploring ideas of gender, identity construction, alienation, labor, history and the self. Through research and autobiographical experience, Grokhovsky builds worlds and characters, through which she examines and underscores stereotypes, assumptions, prejudices and injustice. She is interested in the histories of migration and displacement, whilst enacting the bodies of the historically oppressed, in relation to the preconceived social order. Many of her projects deal with protest and freedom through failure, via radical and humorous actions: reclaiming the body through pleasure, chaos and refusal, residing in the space of absurd grotesque and nostalgic kitsch. From writing, research, drawing, collage and painting, sourcing of found and discarded materials to sculptural sets, costumes and performances, Grokhovsky’s work occupies an interdisciplinary territory of making. The extensive process culminates in immersive mixed media site responsive installations, videoworks and performances, exploring politics of defiance to the prescribed ideals of normative existence.


Allen Ball